Here are 16 sketches that I have done over the past 6 months. I've tried to add a few different versions of the sketch, weather it is another sketch in an alternate angle or a close up of the sketch.
This piece was done in my high school art class. The goal of the piece was to capture the different tones in the face and upper body using various shading techniques and pencils. The piece was created using 3-6B pencils and took roughly 10 hours.
This piece was completed in about 20 minutes. Using a 3B pencil, I sat on my couch and watched my dog for about an hour. After observing several defiant poses, I choose this to sketch.
This piece was an observation of a photograph I took of a horse on my relatives ranch in Absarokee, Montana. About 85% of the horse's head was visible in the photograph. Using other reference photos and my imagination, I was able to complete the rest of the head. (In the original photograph, my hand and arm blocked the view of the mouth and end of the nose.) The sketch took about 1 hour.
These three sketches are quick observations of my hands in various positions. The purpose of these sketches is to practice quickly sketching what I see. Each pose took only about 2 minutes and 5 to clean up the whole page.
The above sketches were observations of a seagull spotted in the parking lot at my school. After quickly sketching the rough shape of the gull in flight, I redrew the gull in various poses and close-ups.
Lastly, here are a few sketches that have been inspired by the video game Halo. The first shows both sketches side by side. The second is a full biped sketch as if a light was held over it. I wanted him to seem as if he were traveling threw dimly light corridor, capturing the shadowing on his armor. The third piece is a sketch of Master Chief's Mark VI helmet. Total time: 1 hour.